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“INGO ARMENIA” ICJSC Insurance Company is a constituent part of the insurance market of Armenia. The company realizes its corporate responsibility not only in the formation of insurance in the country but also in the development of our country and society. The company takes an active part in different social, cultural, and educational programs throughout the whole period of its activity.
One of our main goals is to promote insurance culture in Armenia.

Educational programs
  • In 2008, the company completely renovated, furnished, and equipped with computer equipment in one of the auditoriums of the Finance Faculty of the State University of Economics of Armenia. Currently, that is the base audience of the ASUE Insurance department.
  • The company actively cooperates with a number of state and private universities operating in Armenia (YSU, RAU, ASUE, French University in Armenia, etc.) within the framework of student training programs. More than a dozen 2nd to 4th year students undergo training at the company at any time, who are given the opportunity to join the company’s ranks of young professionals.
  • The company regularly establishes nominal scholarships for the best students majoring in economics at RA universities, finances a part of the training costs, announces competitions for the best work, the winners of which receive cash prizes and an offer to work in the company.
  • In recent years, the company has been actively participating in the “Month of My Finances” program of the RA Central Bank, within the framework of which more than 150 schoolchildren participate in various educational activities of the company. The best gets an opportunity to undergo a practical training program in various departments.
  • Every year since 2014, the company organizes one-month Master classes for the 25 best students of the leading universities of RA, who after the course have the opportunity to join the ranks of the company’s employees.
  • 2016 Within the framework of the “Smarter Armenia” Hackathon, INGO ARMENIA supported the IT hackathon for the first time by sponsoring the health section of the competition. The winning team of young Armenian women for an innovative solution for children with autism received a sponsorship package to develop their app.
  • 2017 A master class on “Art Insurance” was organized in the National Gallery of Armenia. The event was intended for professionals involved in the organization of museum exhibitions and art.
  • The training was conducted by skilled specialists of INGO ARMENIA and Marsh & McLennan insurance brokerage company.
  • 2017 Within the framework of the 12th International Microelectronics Olympiad, which is being implemented jointly with the “Synopsys” company, INGO ARMENIA once again supported the organization of the students’ trip. The International Microelectronics Olympiad brings together the world’s brightest and most active students under the age of 30 in the field of microelectronics.
  • In 2019, the Company, highlighting the process of identifying budding talents, organized a grant program in which students from leading universities of RA participated, presenting research works and analyzes on the topics announced by the Company. The winners received a cash prize and the opportunity to participate in the investment of the project they developed in the company.
  • In 2019, the INGO ARMENIA insurance company and the State University of Economics of Armenia signed a cooperation agreement in order to update the educational program of the insurance profession, as a result of which the company’s employees will be involved in the educational processes, and the students will have the opportunity to undergo planned and unplanned experiences in the company.
  • The company has repeatedly participated in Orran’s annual charity dinners, the goal of the 2019 fundraiser was to get vulnerable children off the streets and prevent the spread of poverty or begging among minors and the elderly in Armenia.
  • For 6 years, the Company has sponsored the Camp TUMO project of the creative technology center “TUMO”, the main goal of which is the formation of technologically literate young professionals. Ingo Armenia covered the financial burden of participants from border villages, in 2020, due to the epidemic conditions, the amount included the cost of necessary computer equipment for the courses.
  • 2021 INGO ARMENIA participated in the “Finshabti” program of the CBI, presenting the topic “Insurance as a director0. of financial management”, and the most active participants had the opportunity to visit the head office.
  • In 2021 the company provided a sponsorship package for the charity concert organized by the “City of Smile” charitable foundation entitled “Armenian rock for children with cancer”.
  • In 2022 the company provided Injuries Insurance to more than 300 children aged 14-18 who are members of the “Zark” program.
  • In 2022 INGO ARMENIA sponsored a one-month summer camp for the students of SOS children’s villages in the beautiful nature of Tavush region.
Cultural programs
  • In 2009 the Company allocated 3.600.000 drams for restoration of the door of the monastery Tatev, which is considered to be one of the cultural values of Armenia.
  • In 2010 the Company insured the transportation and exhibition of paintings of Italian painter Anselmo Francesconi on sponsorship basis. The exhibition, which took place at the national gallery of Armenia was dedicated to the 95-th anniversary of Armenian Genocide.
  • In 2020, INGO ARMENIA acquired all the Christmas toys for the company’s Christmas tree during the fair organized by “SOS Children’s Villages of Armenia” in order to support Artsakh families.
  • In 2020, the staff of INGO ARMENIA joined the Christmas Miracle for Artsakh initiative of “IDEA Foundation”, becoming the secret Santa Claus of 45 children of Artsakh and making their dreams come true.
  • In 2021, “INGO ARMENIA” provided coverage for the insurance of “Spendiarofon”, which is the legacy of Alexander Spendiaryan.
  • In 2021, within the framework of the 17th international competition named after Khachatryan, the Company provided insurance coverage for the insurance of the “conductor’s stick” which is the legacy of the world-famous composer Aram Khachatryan.
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